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Future Developments

Many loose ends remain, but my focus for now is to continue to develop ProvGardener. The work of keeping the website current frequently consumes all the available time for this project.

  • Finish harmonizing the categories in ProvGardener website with the Calendar's categories
  • Add the rest of relevant state and municipal environmental entities to the Organization Directory
  • Rethink how to categorize organizations
  • [So much to do, so little time! Can't even begin to list it all!]

Loose Ends:

  • The original Typepad blog (May 2006 - December 2014) had about 500 posts. A future project is to consolidate those posts into this website. Someday.
  • The What Grows On in Rhode Island News Blog (September 2007 - November 2012) is no longer out there and wasincorporated into ProvGardener.
  • now redirects to