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Salt Ponds Coalition

"SPC conducts ongoing water-quality surveys, public outreach programs and works to focus legislative and regulatory attention on protecting these valuable resources. We spearhead land preservation and habitat restoration projects and partner with other groups to achieve results. SPC also conducts educational events and seminars for all who are interested in the salt pond environment. SPC-guided kayak tours are popular outings and feature guest experts who point out and discuss areas of interest and concern.

Narragansett Bay Region Indicator Development Workgroup

The workgroup came together during the fall and winter of 2010 to focus on the development of environmental indicators for assessing and reporting on the condition of Narragansett Bay and its watershed. The group recognized and built from the long and rich history of collaborative work in the Narragansett Bay community, with contributions from many agencies, organizations, and university research labs.

RI EC4 - Executive Climate Change Coordinating Council (EC4)

"The Resilient Rhode Island Act established the Executive Climate Change Coordinating Council (EC4) in 2014. It also sets specific greenhouse gas reduction targets; establishes two advisory bodies, the EC4 Advisory Board and the EC4 Science and Technical Advisory Board, to assist the Council; and incorporates consideration of climate change impacts into the powers and duties of all state agencies."


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