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RI EC4 - Executive Climate Change Coordinating Council (EC4)

"The Resilient Rhode Island Act established the Executive Climate Change Coordinating Council (EC4) in 2014. It also sets specific greenhouse gas reduction targets; establishes two advisory bodies, the EC4 Advisory Board and the EC4 Science and Technical Advisory Board, to assist the Council; and incorporates consideration of climate change impacts into the powers and duties of all state agencies."

Coastal Resources Management Council

"The Coastal Resources Management Council is a management agency with regulatory functions. Its primary responsibility is for the preservation, protection, development and where possible the restoration of the coastal areas of the state via the implementation of its integrated and comprehensive coastal management plans and the issuance of permits for work with the coastal zone of the state."

From the website September 11, 2019.

Groundwork Rhode Island

Formerly known as Groundwork Providence.

"Groundwork Rhode Island is a non-profit, community-based environmental organization dedicated to creating healthier and more resilient urban communities in Rhode Island." - From the website About page, July 6. 2018


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