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Urban Agriculture


Urban Agriculture (UA), as defined by the United Nations Development Program in 1996, is "'an activity that produces, processes, and markets food and other products, on land and water in urban and peri-urban areas, applying intensive production methods, and (re)using natural resources and urban wastes, to yield a diversity of crops and livestock.'"


Rhode Island Urban Agriculture Information Sources

  1. Southside Community Land Trust (SCLT) has been a UA leader for more than 20 years in Providence.
  2. Urban Agriculture in Providence: Growing Our Community by Growing Good Food. 16-page report, 2006.
  3. The City of Providence initiatives include Lots of Hope and Compost.  Read a 2013 story about Lots of Hope on SCLT's website.
  4. Rhode Island Right to Farm Act.
  5. RI SARE Project, completed in 2017. (SARE = Sustainable Agricultural Research and Education).
  6. Motif, August 5, 2015: Provlandia: Urban Agriculture on the West End.
  7. Acopia Harvest Hydroponic Rentafarm (tm) in Central Falls, June 10, 2015
  8. Planning for Appropriately Scaled Agriculture in Providence, 2006


Other Information Sources

  1. US Department of Agriculture Urban Agriculture page.
  2. EPA Urban Agriculture page.
  3. National Affordable Housing Management Association, Urban Farming Information and Resources.
  4. Rodale Institute blog post, "A Taste of Urban Agriculture," May 11, 2015. Mentions SCLT and Providence.
  5. The Urban Agriculture Movement: History and Trends, 2013.
  6. The History of Urban Agriculture Should Inspire Its Future.
  7. Urban Agriculture: The Third Green Revolution. Podcasts, featuring Vertical Farms
  8. City of Boston Urban Ag page
  9. Keep Growing Detroit