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[This was originally called Laws & Regulations)

Whether you voted for or against them or didn't vote at all, our elected officials and various boards and commissions they appoint are in charge of making and revising laws and regulations. This category includes all kinds of governmental stuff, because the authority for each position is established in laws, regulations, and for municipalities, ordinances.

Search for Rules and Regulations on the Secretary of State's website. Changes to regulations of the executive departments can also be tracked. See Rules Tracker and set up a subscription to be alerted to changes.

Meetings are almost always open to the public, and all officials ought to be responsive to all residents. See the Open Meetings page of the Secretary of State's website.

During the legislative session, from January to perhaps early June each year, you can monitor bills you are interested in with the General Assembly's Bill Tracker service. The General Assembly website lists bills, laws, hearings, reports, and so on for the current year, and back to 1997. The website also explains how a bill becomes a law and provides video and/or audio recordings of committee hearings and the House and Senate sessions on Capitol TV.

Much more will be added here. Meanwhile, news about government that comes from automated news sources I have found (and that work) are listed in the sidebar.