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Neighbors, Local Residents

People who live nearby in a neighborhood, village, town, or city. Filter further by town/city (for independent groups) or municipality (local government affiliated groups).

Northern RI Conservation District

"The Northern Rhode Island Conservation District works in partnership with private land owners, farmers, municipalities, state and federal agencies, as well as non-governmental agencies. NRICD is not a regulatory or enforcement agency, but rather provides assistance to those who desire to work as a team to face issues -- watershed by watershed."

From the website April 11, 2021

Blackstone Parks Conservancy

The Blackstone Parks Conservancy is dedicated to the preservation and stewardship of historic Blackstone Park Conservation District and Blackstone Boulevard. They maintain these parks in partnership with the Providence Parks Department.

[Sometimes the group may be called Blackstone Park Conservancy, but it actually cares for two parks. - ed.]


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