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Skyscrapers, Inc.

"Skyscrapers, Inc. is a group of amateur astronomers who share a love of the sky. Members include knowledgeable veterans and beginning observers who get together regularly to discuss and learn about the science of astronomy."

- From the website, July 7, 2018

Roger Williams Park Zoo

"Roger Williams Park Zoo strives to engage guests in an extraordinary and unique educational experience to improve their understanding of and appreciation for the natural world.  We contribute significantly to the conservation of our earth’s animals, plants and other natural resources by challenging ourselves and our audience to act as responsible environmental stewards.

"Roger Williams Park Zoo is supported and managed by the Rhode Island Zoological Society and is owned by the City of Providence."

- From the website, July 8, 2018

Blithewold Mansion, Gardens, and Arboretum

"Blithewold is a 33-acre summer estate with grand views of Narragansett Bay and is nationally significant in American history as one of the most fully developed and authentic examples of the Country Place Era. The property features a 45-room mansion filled with family heirlooms, and is framed by a series of lovely gardens that range in character from mysterious to exotic and from poetic to practical.

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