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South County Museum

"Explore history in the one-room schoolhouse, carriage barn and carpentry shop. Watch artisans at work in the blacksmith shop and print shop. Wander through the Canonchet Estate stable ruins, visit the Rhode Island Red heritage flock and our other farm animals. Our grounds feature heirloom flower and herb gardens, and they are bounded by woods, meadows, and salt marshes accessible on marked walking trails." - from the website 7/6/18

Slater Mill

"Old Slater Mill National Historic Landmark is recognized internationally as the birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution. The 1793 Old Slater Mill, 1810 Wilkinson Mill and the 1758 Sylvanus Brown House are located here."

- From the Facebook About page, July 8, 2018

Wilkinson Mill and the Sylvanus Brown House are also part of the historical site. URI Master Gardeners maintain an historical garden at the site as well. The garden is typical of the period 1790-1830.

Skyscrapers, Inc.

"Skyscrapers, Inc. is a group of amateur astronomers who share a love of the sky. Members include knowledgeable veterans and beginning observers who get together regularly to discuss and learn about the science of astronomy."

- From the website, July 7, 2018

Salt Ponds Coalition

"SPC conducts ongoing water-quality surveys, public outreach programs and works to focus legislative and regulatory attention on protecting these valuable resources. We spearhead land preservation and habitat restoration projects and partner with other groups to achieve results. SPC also conducts educational events and seminars for all who are interested in the salt pond environment. SPC-guided kayak tours are popular outings and feature guest experts who point out and discuss areas of interest and concern.

Roger Williams Park Zoo

"Roger Williams Park Zoo strives to engage guests in an extraordinary and unique educational experience to improve their understanding of and appreciation for the natural world.  We contribute significantly to the conservation of our earth’s animals, plants and other natural resources by challenging ourselves and our audience to act as responsible environmental stewards.

"Roger Williams Park Zoo is supported and managed by the Rhode Island Zoological Society and is owned by the City of Providence."

- From the website, July 8, 2018

RI Families in Nature

"RI Families in Nature is a free group, open to families of all ages and abilities. We try to connect people with resources and events such as kid-friendly hikes and activities to help you get outside more with your family!"

-From the website, July 7, 2018

This website has a great map of places to hike in Rhode Island, tips for hiking with kids, as well as a Hiking Guide for families.


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